Marriage is an affair of the heart


the most intimate business partnership you will ever have... 

and possibly disolve.

It is time to start nurturing your relationships and marriage with the intention to grow and prosper as you would a business, keeping in mind the people involved are the most important humans in the world.

If you are already contemplating divorce or have decided that is the direction you want to take, we've got you! 


Join us for a workshop on the business of love, marriage and divorce. 

If you want to have long lasting relationships, effectively plan for the future and navigate turbulent times with grace, this program is for you.

Married, single, contemplating marriage, contemplating divorce or not sure how to create successful paths forward... you are in the exact right place.

illuminate me

Legal Consulting

With 30 years of experience in family law, you have a lawyer at the ready so you can keep your case on track while you remain in control of legal fees. No retainer required. Pay hourly and become educated in the process. 

Book time with Stephen

Personal Coaching

Life gives us challenges and often we need support in how to effectively handle relationships, show up as our best self, and make difficult decisions.

If you are contemplating or facing divorce, personal coaching provides much needed confidential, judgment free emotional support. Coaching will also help you understand the divorce process better, train you to become a more effective communicator and support important decision making along the way.

Schedule a session with Lara


Texas Family Law Pod Cast offers you a wealth of insight on all things divorce.

We invite you to tune in.

Listen Now

Legal Course Videos

Our educational series of videos on the process of divorce. Save time and money by not spending thousands of $$$ on retainer fees for lawyers. Get educated!

Access Library

Community Coaching

An extension of Illuminate. Here you will connect and learn with others on a facilitated zoom discussion and coaching session regarding specific topics chosen by members attending.

Become a Member

If you want to go fast, go alone.

If you want to go far, go together.

Community is essential.

Showing up in that community as your best self, makes everything stronger.

Faith First...

"Be completely humble and gentile: be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."

-Ephesians 4:2-3


It is not by accident we started our program in the churches of Austin. With our eyes wide open to couples struggling to hold together their marriages, honor their faith and family commitments, we saw a better way. A process that will shine a light on how to handle bumps in the road before they are mountains to climb.



It is time to make a move!


Take bold action and join us to level up your commitment to marriage, relationships and communication.

Get educated in areas that will impact EVERYTHING! 

Knowledge is power, when action is applied:)

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